Oct 18, 2011

Treasure Island Beach Party

Beach House Party!! My friend's girlfriend just bought a place on the beach and she had the nicest house warming party this weekend :)....we played football (my legs and thighs are still sore from all that running around), danced, laughed and ate!

I've been challenging myself lately to stop and see the details that surround me and to capture those details. I don't know what it is, but it always seems like I'm trying to take photos of "what I'm suppose to" take photos of. Does that make any sense? My brain works so fast when I'm shooting, running through a list of shots that I'm "suppose" to take, and it doesn't seem like I'm actually LOOKING at what is going on around me. I just keep shooting without paying attention to detail. Which is really awful when I'm shooting weddings and events :-/ So with this challenge I hope to improve my skill of seeing the details.

Anyway, hope you guys are having a great week so far!
~ Nina

Man! I'm really diggin these black and white photos!

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