
Hey, thanks for visiting. I'm Nina the owner of this little space here. I am the creative artist and owner of Nina Grace Photography; I'm also a daughter, sister, college student, and intern (amongst other things). I use this space as a creative outlet to express myself, love of traveling and love of learning and exploring. I hope you find this space to be inspiring, encouraging, and even useful in certain aspects. Life Aglow is about exposing oneself to different aspects of life, culture, and ideas.

 I am currently studying education and the more I learn about the realms of student learning the more I feel inclined to actively participate in my own learning - however, I won't be doing it by way of textbook through this blog, but by way of pictures and brief (BRIEF! lol) explanations. The goal is to encourage others to want to travel and learn (therefore being exposed to different cultures) for themselves.

 By the way, I was encouraged and inspired to create this blog from the video below along with my own passion of course ;-)

* Disclaimer: the video shown below is not mine. I have no affiliation with the makers of this video. I just love it and if I could showcase my passion into a video, this would be it (you wanted to know more about me lol) ;-)