For the past few days I've been enticed by my new favorite photographer's blogsite, Jasmine Star, a world renowned Wedding Photographer based in the OC (orange county, Cali). Not only have a I drawn inspiration from her regarding my photography skills but also regarding starting a business. I mean after all that is my goal, I do want to start a business - I'm just amazed that she was able to grow hers practically over night - in a matter of 3 or 4 yrs she is BOOMIN!
What really stuck out to me over the past few days of exploring her posts was that she is such an advocator of branding your business and helping others - her philosophy: help others and help is bound to come your way! {Note: I know this "philosophy" is nothing new loL and many people advocate for this way of thinking as well, but I'm not talking about those wonderful people right now, I'm talking about Jasmine ;-) } I like to think of myself as a giving and helpful person, but I'm sure many people would like to think of themselves this way - I know I have a lot to work on.
My first thought was:
do I genuinely care about people (i.e. clients/potential clients/people in general)? Of course I do! I love making people happy. I don't always go out of my way to help someone (this is only if I know they aren't in need) but I think that has a lot to do with trying to keep my sanity and partly because people have taken advantage of my kindness.
Second thought:
is it possible that I can stay optimistic about the path I currently am taking? YES! I've learned this from my best friend DJ. He is the most positive person I've ever met and he encourages me to look at the positive over negative always (I love him for that)...I tend to worry about not looking professional - I don't have a "pro" camera nor do I own the $2000 lenses that I want loL..but the fact of the matter is...I'm not a professional (then again, what actually classifies you as being a professional? loL) I would call myself...well, I was going to say photo enthusiast but I think I've passed that I actually don't know what I would call myself, but its not professional yet. I am constantly growing, learning and practicing and to get eventually where I want to be I know it will take time =) so as my dad always says (particularly when I was learning how to drive) "Patience is Key"
Third thought: How can I brand myself and my future business?
*** Branding: creating a strong, emotional tie between a company (or in my case, myself) with the client you are connecting/communicating/working with.
I might as well start now, right? I mean ever since my website went live I've been getting more and more business (yay!), so when I do start my business how do I want it? I notice when I interact with clients during the shoot I try to stay "professional" and {in the most serious tone of voice you can think of} serious, all about business and getting the job done. Cut and Dry. But how BORING! First of all that isn't me at all, I like to laugh and have fun. And second of all, I'm sure the clients find that awkward, annoying, and boring as well.
1) smile.....a LOT :)
2) ask the question: what do I do or rather, what do I want to do? I capture a moment in time that evokes a particular emotion or memory - whether if its in my portraiture work or, I call it, "noun" work (pictures of persons, places or things). My goal when photographing people is to get the client as excited about the pictures as I am, not because I took the picture, but because they are seeing themselves in the most flattering way and feel good about themselves.
3) show a genuine interest
I guess I can look at it this way: I don't want to be around anyone who can't stand me or my personality anyway; when you get N~Grace Photography you are getting Nina Grace.
{start working on that smile Nina ;-)}
Photo Credit: Enchanted Forest Photography