Mar 9, 2011

In the process

So remember when I told you I wanted to re-decorate my room? I've been working on that idea for the past 2 or 3 weeks now..? It's starting to come together like I want :D I've gone to Home Goods which is an incredible store for "Home Goods" loL no seriously, they have so many products there to furnish your home at an affordable price - and pretty much any and everything you could be looking for to satisfy your style. For me, I'm looking for more of a modern chic styled room and I am so not an interior decorator but I've been getting some really nice ideas from blogs like Get it Girl Style...Made by Girl...Emily Clark...and different youtube videos.

I saw a bookshelf I really like from West Elm in white but it was a little out of my price range so I found a mock at target and I'm waiting for it to be delivered within the next week or so. I've never been the type to really care what my room looks like - furnishings, artwork on the wall, organized closet...that was always my mom. But now that I spend so much time in here especially on the computer editing pics I wanted to create my own little "Nina Cave" if you wanna call it that loL somewhere I like spending time. Until the bookshelf comes in, all my books, binders and folders are on the floor, so I'm not gonna show you that part of my room yet ;-) but here is my desk looking out to my neighbors backyard (too bad his yard isn't as beautiful as His neighbors yard loL) but anyway this is what my desk looks like so far...

It looks like I just moved in...

More to come soon...

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