Apr 9, 2011

Do what you love because it makes YOU happy...

I love when I'm reminded of why I do what I do, in every aspect of my life - big and small. Why I chose the major I did, why I wear the clothes I do, why I wear my hair this way, why I decided to take on the task of shooting my first wedding with an entry level camera and kit lens, why I am dating who I think is the most wonderful person...why I do any and everything!

Becoming involved in photography (and I would assume this applies to most industries) I have come across quite a few "experienced" professionals who have looked down upon me because, well I don't really know why, but I'm guessing it's because I may have gotten hired for a job they feel they deserved to get. Or maybe they think I don't have enough "experience" to say I am a photographer. These are just my assumptions, all I know for sure is that they looked down on me. For a long time I was really intimidated by "these people" because 1) most of them are a lot older than I am 2) have way more gear than I do and 3) because they have been in the industry longer than I have. But you know what? I didn't get into photography because of them! I'm in because I love art. Point, blank, period.

I feel myself conforming to the "rules of the industry" so to speak when it comes to what equipment you are suppose to have,  how much experience you should have, what photographers you should be inspired by, etc., etc. As I conform I feel myself loosing the passion I had with photography. Little by little that is. I will always love it, but I know what I am doing now is because I'm trying to be like every other photographer in the industry! Ughh!! I'm not "every other photographer" I'm Nina Grace Barron! And I'll do what I please for my business. When a "celebrity" photographer gives advice or a recommendation a lot of people hear and think that's it! I have to do it just like them because that's what they said and they are famous and I want to be just like them. I'm done with that! I'll take a recommendation for just that, a recommendation.

Okay a lot of this is geared toward myself as a reminder for me. However, if you are reading this and don't like it, that's fine. You feel the way you feel just like I do. If you don't like my work that's cool too. If you do like my work that's great and I appreciate all of you who are constantly reading my blog, who have befriended (or liked) me on facebook, and have supported my business! Thank you :) For those of you who are upset because you feel like I am idk...too young, don't have the right gear, don't have enough experience, or whatever! I have a question for you, why are you reading my blog? Apparently I am upsetting you in some way and I don't want to do that, so maybe it would be in your best interest to just go ahead and stop following my posts. Hey! before you go I just want to say I truly wish you the best for your business :)

So with all that said, I am DONE being a follower. I am done trying to empress people (photographers) I don't even know and I am done! not being truly happy in an industry that has partly molded my life! I choose photography to be apart of my life because it made me happy. It's time to get back to that. It's time to get back to Nina. Here's to a new beginning!

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