Jan 8, 2012

Keep Saint Petersburg Local Giveaway!

The Deal:

I am extremely excited to have joined St.Pete's new local organization Keep Saint Petersburg Local! I am equally as excited to announce our first giveaway for this years Big Bang Event in support of them! Keep reading below to find out how to enter and win a gift certificate to The Trunk Stylist...

The Rules:

So here's the deal, in order to enter you'll need to
1) "Like" N~Grace Photography, The Trunk Stylist, and Keep Saint Petersburg Local on facebook

2) Update your status saying: N~Grace Photography is giving away a $25 gift certificate to The Trunk Stylist! http://tinyurl.com/7o4yzkq

3) Finally just comment in the box below posting your name and email letting me know you've entered :)

And that's it! You have until Tuesday January 10th at midnight to enter this giveaway! I will draw one winner at random and announce the winner on Wednesday!  I'm really excited about this, are you?!


  1. Temperance mz.tempy@yahoo.com

  2. :) Taylor Blaize, tylrblz@gmail.com

  3. Erin Sauer,, sauererin@yahoo.com :)

  4. Morgan Schlomer, mschlomer@areaprop.com. Thanks!

  5. Awesome idea! I entered! Susan Messer ssaint68@yahoo.com

  6. Liked, posted and now commenting Charis Dinwiddie charisdinwiddie@gmail.com


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